What are Non-Treatment Trials and Why are They Important? - Metastatic Breast Cancer Trial Talk

Inside Clinical Trials

When most people think of clinical trials, they think of trials that test new drugs and drug combinations. However, clinical trials also study ways to improve quality of life and reduce side effects, as well as collect information to advance cancer research. These types of trials are called non-treatment, non-therapeutic, non-interventional, or observational studies.

Some non-treatment trials study how diet and exercise improve quality of life and reduce side effects. Others conduct genetic or biomarker testing, collect blood or tumor samples, or study new imaging tests (scans) to learn more about breast cancer. Other trials study ways to help your doctor select your next treatment and predict your cancer’s response to treatment. Just like treatment clinical trials, non-treatment clinical trials always require informed consent.

Read below for more information about different types of non-treatment trials. Click “Filter by Trial Type” on Metastatic Trial Search to see the full list of non-treatment trials available for people with MBC.

Introduction to Non-Treatment Trials
Diet, Exercise, and Complementary and Integrative Medicine
Registries and Providing Tissue Samples
Genetic/Biomarker Testing
Treatment Decision Support
Clinical Trials for Imaging

Last Modified on June 20, 2024



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