Immunotherapies use the body’s immune system to fight cancer. In March, for the first time, the FDA approved an immunotherapy drug as a first-line treatment...
Many people have found that video provides a unique way to share their personal experiences with cancer. Below you can find links to stories women and men have...
It’s not often easy to ask for help. But there are times when metastatic breast cancer patients and their families can greatly benefit from the help of...
The goal of palliative care is to ease symptoms of the cancer and allow the patient to have the best quality of life possible. Palliative care includes a broad...
Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) are small pieces of DNA from cancer cells that are released into the blood. ctDNA can be detected with a blood test, also called a...
Master protocols are clinical trials that are specifically designed to allow researchers to study several molecular markers and targeted therapies simultaneously....
We want to help Spanish-speaking women and men with metastatic breast cancer learn about clinical trials and how they can find studies that might be right for...
Many organizations and advocacy groups provide webinars, on-line workshops, and videos to help patients learn more about metastatic breast cancer and clinical...