Studies have found that about one in three cancer patients reports having difficulties paying their medical bills. In this issue, we provide links to organizations and programs that may be able to help you manage bills related to your cancer or its treatments.
- Alliance for Patient Access: The Co-Pay Surprise
- Cancer Support Community: Help Managing Financial Costs
- Triage Cancer: Paying for Clinical Trials
- Wisconsin: Law to Help People Enrolled in Clinical Trials with Costs
Services & Support
- Angelmira’s Center: Get Support/Volunteer
- PAN Foundation: Find Patient Assistance With FundFinder
- Patient Advocate Foundation: Help with Co-Pays
- Patient Advocate Foundation: Searchable Directory of Financial Resources
- Susan G. Komen: Treatment Assistance Program
- The Pink Fund: Mary Herczog Fund for Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients
- Sharsheret: Best Face Forward 2.0
Companies that Work with Trial Sponsors to Help Patients
Click on the links below to learn about companies that help trial participants with finances and travel. Consider asking if these services are available for a trial that you are interested in.
- Greenphire: Helping Patients with Finances and Travel
- Clincierge: Providing One-on-One Travel Support
- Scout Clinical: Reimbursement and Travel
Additional Resources
- Cancer.Net: Financial Resources
- Nancy’s List: Financial Assistance
- Young Survival Coalition: Financial Assistance
Last Modified on October 15, 2024