All About Phase III Clinical Trials - Metastatic Breast Cancer Trial Talk

Inside Clinical Trials

In the last 2 months, we highlighted what to know about phase I and phase II clinical trials. In the third of our four-part series, we are discussing phase III clinical trials.

Phase III trials study whether a new drug is better than the current standard treatment using a process called randomization. These trials typically enroll hundreds to thousands of patients in multiple trial sites across the country or around the world. Phase III trials also continue to study a drug’s safety. If the results of phase III trials show that the drug is safe and effective, the company that makes the drug can apply to the FDA for approval, thus allowing doctors to provide the medication to patients not enrolled in a clinical trial.

Visit the links below for more information on the goals of phase III trials, how safety is monitored, and how randomization works.

Phase III Clinical Trials 101

Clinical Trial Randomization

Finding Clinical Trials

Last Modified on September 26, 2023



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