Prior to FDA approval, the safety and effectiveness of drugs are tested in three main phases of clinical trials: phase I, II, and III. Phase I clinical trials...
Over 2,700 men will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer this year, and about 90% of male breast cancer is hormone-receptor-positive (ER+ and/or PR+). Doctors...
Our newest Metastatic Trial Search partner is The new website was recently launched to fill an unmet need for information and support for people...
Bispecific antibodies are an emerging class of drugs in breast cancer clinical research. By binding to two distinct targets, a bispecific antibody can do two jobs...
The term No Evidence of Disease (NED) means that the cancer is not detectable in a person’s body with currently available tests such as imaging and blood...
“Standard of care” is the term used for the best existing treatment option in the clinic. Standard of care varies for different subtypes of MBC and is...
MBC is sometimes detected in pregnant women. Breast cancer does not pass to the unborn baby and does not harm the baby. There is no standard of care recommended...
The Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium was held on December 7-10, 2021. Read below for highlights from the meeting, including promising results about a...
Advanced Breast Cancer (ABC6; ABC Global Alliance) was held virtually on November 4-6, 2021. Read below for news coming out of this conference, including a report...