Warmest Wishes for 2021 - Metastatic Breast Cancer Trial Talk

Special Topics

As our community knows, the COVID-19 pandemic greatly affected all aspects of breast cancer care, including clinical trials. Yet, with your support, we have been able to continue providing high-quality trial matching and MBC research information through our programs: BreastCancerTrials.org, Metastatic Trial Search and Metastatic Trial Talk.

We are grateful to each of you — patients, advocates, navigators, researchers, oncologists, and health care providers — for your passion and devotion to improving breast cancer care. Thank you for sharing Metastatic Trial Talk by email and on social media, “liking” the clinical trials we post on Facebook, engaging with us on Twitter, giving charitable donations, and contacting us with questions and feedback. With your ongoing support, more people diagnosed with breast cancer will be given the chance to learn about and find a clinical trial right for them.


Metastatic Trial Talk (MTT)
Since: 2018
2020 visitors: 19,800
Archived topics: 186


Metastatic Trial Search (MTS)
Since: 2015
Current MBC trials: 357
2020 visitors: 4,000
Available on partner websites: 25


BreastCancerTrials.org (BCT)
Since: 2008
Current breast cancer trials: 569
2020 visitors: 38,900
Social media community: 4,086




Last Modified on February 10, 2021



for past articles or specific information.