Leptomeningeal Disease: How is it Different from Brain Metastasis and How is it Treated? - Metastatic Breast Cancer Trial Talk

Research News

Breast cancer can spread to the brain, called brain metastasis. However, breast cancer can also spread to the layers of tissue that line and protect the brain, which are called the leptomeninges. Leptomeningeal disease (LD) has some important differences from brain metastases that affect its treatment. Researchers continue to study ways to treat and manage LD in clinical trials.   

Click the links below to learn about the leptomeninges, how cancer spreading to leptomeninges is different from spreading to the brain, and research efforts to treat LD.   

Introduction to the Leptomeninges  
How Cancer Spreading to the Leptomeninges is Different From Spreading to the Brain  
Research for Leptomeningeal Disease 
MBC Clinical Trials 


Last Modified on January 31, 2024



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